asset |
Returns an url for an asset in the current theme |
auth |
A helper for the autenticated user |
content |
Get the content for the current page or a given post |
copyright_date |
Returns a string for copyright for the difference in year started and current year |
dd |
Dump and die with nice formatting and styling |
e |
Escape html entities |
exceptions_error_handler |
Convert errors into Exceptions |
featured_image |
Get the featured image of the current post or a given post |
is_even |
Tell if an array length or integer is even |
is_odd |
Tell if an array length or integer is odd |
plural_count |
Returns a 's' given a number. Works well for plural and singular words |
request |
A helper for POST and GET requests |
str_limit |
Limit a string to a certain amount of characters |
str_slug |
Slugify a string with certain rules |
strip_non_numeric |
Strip characters that are not numbers |
template_is |
Figure out if a template is the current template of the page |
url |
A wrapper around get_permalink and site_url |
var_template_include |
view |
Render a partial template with a given array of data |
word_limit |
Limit a sentence to a specific number of words |